What's On In The South Burnett Today?
South Burnett Regional Council News Updates
Notice Of Works: Storm Water
Construction - Alford St, Kingaroy

February 7, 2025 - As a part of Council’s recent commencement of the storm water installation along Alford Street, Kingaroy, Council is required to close Burnett Street, Kingaroy (between Alford Street and Haly Street).

The closure will be in place from Monday, February 10, 2025 to Tuesday, February 18, 2025, weather permitting.

There will be local access only to properties in the affected area, however the intersection will be closed at Alford Street, so traffic will have to enter and exit via Haly Street.

In order to provide a safe work environment for Council staff, contractors and users, traffic control and signage will be in place during the time of works to control flow of traffic and ensure pedestrian safety.

Motorists and pedestrians are requested to travel with extra care, to drive to the prevailing road conditions and to adhere to signage.

Council apologises for any inconvenience that this work may cause and thank you in advance for your patience.

Please direct any inquiries to Council’s Water and Wastewater section by phoning (07) 4189-9100 or by by email.

Council apologises for any inconvenience that this work may cause and thanks you in advance for your patience.
Council Encourages Responsible Pet Ownership
February 4, 2025 - South Burnett Regional Council is encouraging responsible pet ownership with a focus on the State Government requirements to ensure all dogs and cats born after July 1, 2009, are microchipped.

Registering and microchipping your animals is an essential part of responsible pet ownership.

It is important to register your pet so if they are lost or stray, they can be returned home safely.

Council requires the microchip number to be listed on your dog’s registration, for all dogs born on or after the July 1, 2009.

If your dog is microchipped but you do not have the number to update Council’s records, please contact your local vet, the RSPCA or visit a Council office (with the exception of the Proston Office), for your dog to be scanned to retrieve the microchip number.

Council will continue to investigate options to provide residents microchipping days for those animals not microchipped. Further information on microchipping days will be provided to residents once confirmed.

Council will now be reviewing the registration system to identify those who may not have complied with the requirements of the Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) Act 2008 or that Council does not hold records for.

Dog owners are asked to ensure their details are kept up-to-date with Council, whether this be change of ownership, change of address or, if sadly, your dog has passed away.

Council’s compliance team would like to thank everyone who has updated their details, notified Council of their dog’s microchip number and has paid their registration.

For further information on State legislation requirements for pet owners visit the State Government website or contact Council on (07) 4189-9100 or by email
Partial Closure: Memerambi Transfer Station
February 3, 2025 - South Burnett Regional Council wishes to advise that there will be a partial closure of the Memerambi Transfer Station for the installation of an automatic site access gate.

The installation of the automatic gate is to take place from Wednesday, February 5 to Monday, February 10, 2025.

During this period, we would ask if residents could endeavour to reduce use of the facility as only small skip bins will be available for waste to be deposited into. These will be located in the rear of the facility.

There will also be no provision to deliver steel to the facility throughout this period. We ask that all steel items be delivered to either the Kingaroy Waste Facility (8:00am–5:00pm) or Wondai Waste Facility (1:00pm–5:00pm) daily.

For further information, contact Council on (07) 4189-9100 or by email
Supply & Delivery of Two Extra Cab
4x4 Utilities With K-9 Kubes

January 31, 2025 - South Burnett Regional Council is seeking offers from suppliers for the supply and delivery of two (2) extra cab 4x4 utilities with K-9 Kubes.

Offer documents can be downloaded by registering on Council's tendering platform Tenderlink.

Registration instructions and links can be found on Council's website Tenders & Supply.

The Tenderlink Reference is BURNET-1119204.

Submissions close at 2:00pm on Friday. February 21, 2025.

For further information, contact Council on (07) 4189-9100 or by email
Supply & Delivery of Single Cab
4x4 Utility With Dual Reel Spray Unit

January 31, 2025 - South Burnett Regional Council is seeking offers from suppliers for the supply and delivery of one (1) single cab 4x4 utility with dual reel spray unit.

Offer documents can be downloaded by registering on Council's tendering platform Tenderlink.

Registration Instructions and links can be found on Council's website Tenders & Supply.

The Tenderlink Reference is BURNET-1119226.

Submissions now close at 2:00pm on Friday, February 21, 2025.

For further information, contact Council on (07) 4189-9100 or by email
Coolabunia Saleyards Security Fence & Gates
January 30, 2025 - South Burnett Regional Council is seeking a contractor to replace the existing boundary fence (3 barb wire steel, picket fence) and fence an additional area that is currently unfenced with a 1.8m security fence, including 3 ring barb wire top, for a total height of 2.1m with gates to match.

Please refer to the map included in the project specifications for more information.

This project is part of Council’s 2024-25 Capital Works budget. The aim of the project is to create an appropriate safeguard between the saleyards selling centre and holding yards, Muller Street and the D’Aguilar Highway to mitigate the risk of livestock escaping and impeding traffic.

Offer documents can be downloaded by registering on Council's tendering platform Tenderlink.

Registration instructions and links can be found on Council's website Tenders & Supply.

The Tenderlink reference is BURNET-1117351.

Submissions have been extended and now close at 2:00pm on Thursday, February 6, 2025.

For further information, contact Council on (07) 4189-9100 or by email
Storm Clean-Ups:
Proston Green Waste Kerbside Collection

January 24, 2025 - South Burnet Regional Council has arranged for kerbside collections for green waste caused from the recent storm in Proston.

These kerbside collections are strictly limited to green waste resulting from the specific storm event.

The waste must originate from the immediate vicinity of the home and be necessary to address property access issues or to make the home safe, habitable and accessible.

The commencement of these collections are as follows:

• Proston, from Thursday, January 30, 2025 - only green waste from the January 23, 2025 storm event.

Green waste must be presented on the kerb for collection.

For further information, please contact Council on (07) 4189-9100 or by email
Temporary Closure: Proston Showgrounds
January 24, 2025 - South Burnett Regional Council would like to advise the community that in the interest of public safety, Proston Showgrounds is closed until further notice due to damage caused during Thursday night's (January 23) weather event.

Council apologises for any inconvenience. Your patience is appreciated during this time.

Any inquiries, please contact Council’s Facilities team on (07) 4189-9100 or by email
Footpath Closure: Bunya Highway, Kingaroy
January 17, 2025 - South Burnett Regional Council wishes to advise that the bridge section of the footpath along the Bunya Highway between Ivins Street and Geritz Road, Kingaroy. is closed until further notice.

Unfortunately, the footpath has incurred substantial damage due the recent weather events and Council has closed it for safety reasons until repairs can be undertaken.

For further information regarding the project works, please contact Council’s Infrastructure Department on (07) 4189-9100 or by email
Nanango Main Pool Heat Pump Replacement
January 16, 2025 - South Burnett Regional Council is seeking submissions from suitably qualified and experienced contractors to supply and complete works to replace the Nanango Main Pool heat pump and retrofit a new space air handling unit and heater.

Offer documents can be downloaded by registering on Council's tendering platform Tenderlink. Registration Instructions and links can be found on Council's website Tenders & Supply.

The Tenderlink Reference is BURNET-1117988.

Submissions close at 2:00pm on Wednesday, February 5, 2025.

For further information, contact Council on (07) 4189-9100 or by email
Community Grants Program & RADF Grants
January 10, 2025 - Council’s Community Grants Program Round 2 and Regional Arts Development Fund Round 2 opens on Saturday, February 1, 2025.

If you are a not-for-profit community organisation delivering programs, activities, and events within the South Burnett, you could be eligible to apply for the Community Grants Program.

Professional artists, emerging professional artists, arts workers, cultural workers, or project co-ordinators that meet the eligibility criteria in the funding guidelines may be eligible to apply for the Regional Arts Development Fund.

Applications for both programs close on Friday, February 28, 2025.

To view funding rounds, guidelines and to apply for any of the above grants, visit

Don’t forget, Elite Performance Youth Grant, Councillor Discretionary Fund, Community Hall Insurance Grant; School Student Awards and Indigenous Affairs Fund applications can be submitted year-round.

These can also be applied through the SmartyGrants website

In-kind applications can be applied for throughout the year and the application is available at South Burnett Regional Council website

The 2026 Australia Day Grant will be opening on October 1, 2025, and closing on October 31, 2025.

A copy of the Community Grants Program Policy is available from Council’s website or any of Council’s Customer Service Centres.

For further information and inquiries, please contact Council’s Community Grants Officer on (07) 4189-9100 or by email
Mosquito Breeding Warning
January 8, 2025 - With the recent rainfall and receding flood waters, pooling water can provide perfect conditions for mosquitoes to breed.

This can result in more mosquitoes, increasing the potential for mosquito-borne diseases in our communities. Mosquitoes can carry viruses such as Ross River Fever, Barmah Forest Virus and your dogs can also contract heart worm.

What Can You Do?

Simple things like “personal protection” and reducing water lying around your house.

Personal protection measures can reduce the risk of you and your family getting bitten by mosquitoes:

• Use insect repellent (in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions), especially when outside at dawn or dusk

• Wear long, loose, light-coloured clothing

• Use flying insect spray or plug-in insecticide devices to kill mosquitoes indoors

• Use bed nets, if available

• Repair defective insect screens or fit new screens, if possible

You can also help control mosquitos around the home:

• Pot plant bases: Preferably dispose of the base altogether. Alternatively, empty and clean the base weekly or add sand to absorb the water

• Tins, tyres, jars, toys and rubbish items: Any items left lying around the yard that hold water will breed mosquitoes. Store items under cover and dispose of all unwanted items

• Roof gutters: Clean out leaves and other debris regularly. Cut back and trim trees. Blocked gutters will breed mosquitoes

• Bromeliads and other water-holding plants: Other than removing the plants altogether use a high pressure hose to remove any mosquito larvae

• Rainwater tanks, wells and drums: Large water holding containers must be screened with wire gauze no coarser than 1mm mesh

• Bird baths, fish ponds and ornamental ponds: Clean weekly to remove mosquito larvae. Keep Australian native fish in your ponds

• Swimming pools: Keep chlorinated and regularly operate the pool pump all year round

• Drains or depressions: Maintain drains to allow for water flow. Fill in any depressions to prevent water ponding

Further information can be obtained on the Queensland Health website
Cloyna Waste Transfer Facility: Update
January 8, 2025 - As South Burnett Regional Council has previously advised, illegal dumping of asbestos was uncovered at the Cloyna Waste Transfer facility recently.

Due to the widespread asbestos contaminated materials, the green waste, scrap metal and timber waste areas still remain closed to the public.

Due to the large quantity of illegally dumped asbestos, Council is working with the State Government to find a solution to dispose of the contaminated materials in a safe manner.

Council will endeavour to recommence normal operations at the facility once the State Government provides guidance.

Council would like to remind all members of the public that all fibrous type materials and asbestos containing materials should be carefully managed, wrapped, and disposed of at sites that are licensed to accept this material.

The Kingaroy and Nanango Waste Facilities can accept this waste with 48 hours notice required.

For further information visit Council’s website

If you are unsure, consult a local accredited asbestos removalist.

If you see or become aware of any illegally dumped materials, you can contact Council on (07) 4189-9100 or by email
Launch of New Venue Booking Portal
January 6, 2025 - Council is pleased to announce the official launch of its new venue booking portal Bookable, effective from January 6, 2025.

This innovative platform will enable hirers to access real-time venue availability, make bookings and manage their reservations independently.

Payments can be made directly through the portal using a credit or debit card, via invoice, or at any of Council’s Customer Service Centres.

Hirers with existing bookings for 2025 will receive an email on January 6, 2025, containing instructions on how to log in and manage their bookings.

To book a venue, please visit South Burnett Regional Council | Bookable

For further information, please contact Council’s Customer Service Department on (07) 4189-9100.
Reminder To Landowners
Help Keep The South Burnett Beautiful!

South Burnett Regional Council is reaching out to all landowners with a friendly reminder about the importance of maintaining your properties.

A clean, safe, and tidy property not only reflects pride in our community but also helps prevent risks such as fire hazards and pest infestations.

We all play a part in keeping South Burnett a beautiful place to live, and Council is here to assist and support landowners in meeting property maintenance standards.

Key Responsibilities for Landowners:

1. Overgrown Vegetation:

• Grass and weeds should not exceed 300mm in height. Excess vegetation can create safety concerns and impact the community’s appearance.

2. Tidy Properties:

• Avoid letting items like derelict vehicles, broken appliances, or household waste accumulate. These items can attract pests and diminish the overall beauty of our neighbourhoods.

3. Compliance with Notices:

• If your property requires attention, Council may issue a notice with clear steps for improvement. Our goal is to work collaboratively with landowners to resolve any issues efficiently.

How You Can Help:

• Regularly mow lawns and maintain gardens.

• Clear any rubbish or debris from your property.

• Stay on-top of upkeep to avoid the need for intervention.

Council investigates concerns under Local Law No. 3 (Community and Environmental Management) 2011, which ensures properties meet community standards for health, safety and visual appeal.

We’re Here to Support You!

For more information or assistance, please contact Council by email or call (07) 4189-9100.

You can also visit our website for more tips on property maintenance.

Together, let’s ensure South Burnett remains a safe, attractive, and a vibrant region for everyone to enjoy.
Cover Your Load
When you transport any kind of load, your vehicle or trailer must be loaded safely so it doesn’t endanger other road users, your passengers, yourself, damage road infrastructure, or cause illegal littering.

This means ensuring that your load:

• Is properly restrained

• Doesn’t overhang dangerously

• Doesn’t exceed mass limits

• Doesn’t cover lights, indicators, reflectors, or the number plate.

How to transport different waste:

Green Waste - Use a secured tarp or netting to prevent light items blowing away.

Furniture and White Goods - Restrain tall items to headboards to ensure they don’t fall over when you brake, turn or take evasive action. If the furniture extends above the sides of the ute or trailer, tightly restrain it using tie down straps.

General Household Waste - In a ute or trailer use a tarp, netting or tie-down straps to secure the waste from moving or falling out during transport.

If using a tarp or netting when transporting the waste and the waste isn’t easily identifiable, you may be required to remove the tarps or covering at the weighbridge so the gatehouse operators at the facilities can ascertain what exactly is on the load and accurately point you in the right direction to dispose of said waste.

Should your load not be covered correctly when transporting waste to one of the Waste Facilities, and waste falls from your vehicle, this is considered illegal littering under the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011.

If someone is found to be illegally littering, there are fines of up to $32,260.
Council Spotlight On Customer Service
The South Burnett Regional Council is committed to serving our community better every day.

Your satisfaction matters and we want to make your experience with our customer service team smoother, friendlier and more efficient than ever before.

We believe in collaboration and communication and have produced a series of videos to provide the public with an insight into the operations of your Council.

In the first video in the series, our staff show you how to lodge a formal customer request and by doing this, you help us help you! Every request is tracked in our system. View the video here.

"We are a customer focused Council that cares about our community, it is important that we get as much information from locals as possible in order to get the right solutions for the South Burnett. By formally submitting your customer requests you can assist us in serving you better," Mayor Kathy Duff said.

If you have an issue or concern, here is how you can formally lodge a trackable customer request.
1. Email –
2. In-Person at any council office
3. Submit an online request
4. Snap Send Solve app (Google Play / App Store)
5. Telephone: (07) 4189-9100
McCauley Weir Keys Now Available
At Nanango Visitor Information Centre

South Burnett Regional Council wishes to advise that the McCauley Weir keys are now located at the Nanango Visitor Information Centre at 41 Henry Street, Nanango.

Opening hours of the centre are 9:00am to 4:00pm Monday to Friday and 9:00am to 1:00pm on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays.

If returning the keys outside of the centre’s operating hours, there is a key drop box for use at the front of the building.

All terms and conditions still apply when visiting the Weir, including the $100 key deposit.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the centre via phone on (07) 4189-9555 or the booking form on Council's website.

For any enquiries, please contact Council on (07) 4189-9100 or by email
Financial Hardship Applications
Council’s Rates Notice and Reminder Notices have been updated to include information regarding financial hardship that encourages ratepayers to apply for assistance by completing the Financial Hardship Rates Application which is available on Council’s website.

Property owners who may be experiencing financial hardship are encouraged to contact Council as soon as possible.

Financial counsellors who have undertaken an assessment of the ratepayer’s situation can contact Council on the property owner’s behalf with written consent of the property owner.

Further information relating to Council’s Financial Hardship Policy and the application process is available on Council’s Financial Hardship Factsheet
Council Meeting Dates:
January To December 2025

Council would like to advise that in accordance with Section 254B of the Local Government Regulation 2012, Ordinary Meetings from January to December 2025 have been scheduled as follows:

Wed 22 Jan 2025
General Meeting

Wed 19 Feb 2025
General Meeting

Wed 19 Mar 2025
General Meeting

Wed 16 Apr 2025
General Meeting

Wed 21 May 2025
General Meeting

Wed 18 Jun 2025
General Meeting
Wed 16 Jul 2025
General Meeting

Wed 20 Aug 2025
General Meeting

Wed 17 Sep 2025
General Meeting

Wed 15 Oct 2025
General Meeting

Wed 19 Nov 2025
General Meeting

Wed 17 Dec 2025
General Meeting

Meetings commence at 9:00am in the Warren Truss Chamber, Glendon Street, Kingaroy unless stated otherwise.

Residents are invited to attend the meeting as members of the public gallery.

Council began livestreaming video and audio of meetings in 2020. These videos, along with meeting agendas and minutes, can be viewed on the Council Meetings

As well as accessing a livestream of Council meetings, visitors will also be able to view the recorded (archived) meetings and follow links to meeting schedules, agendas, and minutes.

The livestream and archived videos are a free public service and should not be treated as an official record of Council meetings. For a copy of the official public record, please refer to the Meeting Minutes on our website.

For further information regarding Council meetings contact Council’s Executive Services team on (07) 4189-9100 or by email
Level 3 Water Restrictions
Level 3 water restrictions are now in place throughout the South Burnett Region.

Residents are advised that sprinklers are not to be used, and hosing of paved or concreted areas is not permitted.

Hand held watering is permitted from 7:00am to 8:00am, and 5:00pm to 6:00pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays for odd numbered houses and Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays for even numbered houses. No residential watering is permitted on Mondays.

Further details are available on the Council website or by contacting Customer Contact on (07) 4189-9100.
Get More Information
You can obtain more news and information from the South Burnett Regional Council's website, or by contacting Council on (07) 4189 9100 during office hours.
Note: All content on this page is supplied by the South Burnett Regional Council
Your Councillors

Your Councillors are here to represent your interests. If you have a problem you think Council can assist you with, please contact your Divisional councillor by phone or email.
South Burnett Mayor, Cr Kathy Duff
South Burnett

Kathy Duff
Ph: (07) 4189-9155
Email: Click here
Division 1 Cr Jane Erkens Division 4 Cr Deb Dennien
Division 1
Cr Jane Erkens
Ph: 0417-767-444
Email: Click here
Division 4
Cr Deb Dennien
Ph: 0475-007-705
Email: Click here
Division 2 Cr Linda Little Division 5 Cr Heath Sander
Division 2
Cr Linda Little
Ph: 0419-769-994
Email: Click here
Division 5
Cr Heath Sander
Ph: 0437-020-705
Email: Click here
Division 3 Cr Danita Potter Division 6 Cr Ros Heit
Division 3
Cr Danita Potter
Ph: 0409-490-175
Email: Click here
Division 6
Cr Ros Heit
Ph: 0477-010-743
Email: Click here
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